Putting the finishing touches to my regency novella ebook, Passionate Persuasions , and hope to hit the submit button this coming weekend. Scary stuff. It's one thing to write, but it's another thing all together different to revise, edit, revise again . . . You cry, You tear your hair out because somewhere in the middle of all this creativity you changed the hero's name but didn't carry it throughout the entire story, You changed the heroine's hair color, which now clashes with everything she wears, You stopped writing for a few weeks and when you return, the story picks up in a different landscape, a different season, a different town . . . where the heck are we? And the list goes on. And that doesn't include any grammatical corrections, sentence structure, chapter endings . . . So why does one write? Why torture oneself? Here's the secret: because it ultimately is fun, enticing, magical. You get to create ...