This is a short, difficult week for keeping up with your NanoWriMo word count. Many are traveling, whether by car on the interstates or flying and dealing with airports, security, delayed flights and more. For those who are home and hosting, different scenarios but still stressful. So today's tips are simple and something you can check out when you've got a quiet moment or two.
This is an online tool, available in free or paid models, that allows you to create and save maps for fictional worlds. Whether you're world-building for fantasy, science fiction, paranormal or small-town mysteries and romances, inkarnate will help you visualize and create maps to keep your worlds organized.
Reverse dictionaries are more than thesauruses - they can help you search for that illusive word that's just hovering on the periphery of your tired brain because it describes what the word represents. Feel like you're repeating the same word or expression over and over? Dip into this site and see what you find.
I hope you find these sites useful. I know I'm going to play on inkarnate because my contemporary Maine series - Crescent Bay - is into its third novel (working on it) and it's becoming difficult for me to keep track of where the stores, workplaces and homes are located. I've tried sketching the village out, but it's a sorry-looking thing, let me tell you.
So enjoy your holiday and remember to relax and chill out because next week you're in the final stretch.
Good luck and be safe out there!
Claire H.